It is so wet and stormy Father has gone to see if he can get on the 8.15 bus’ to Ingoldmells and patrol back instead of cycling one way. We had snow showers all yesterday, very wet and slushy but not nearly as cold as Monday. Washed on Tuesday but it hardly dried a thread. Lit fire in room yesterday morning and put them round fire. They are all dry now so must iron today. My asthma not so bad now. I usually get about 3 months when I am free from it. Must persevere with “Anestans” now I am improving and who knows? Not I, certainly.
Had a cable from Ron on Tues. with Xmas and New Year Greetings. It is nice to feel in touch once more. Mavis and Mary P. came for tea on Tue. They were like 3 old women playing card games all the time except when Mary could bury herself in a book. Jean went to Sk[egness] on Monday and stayed dinner at Coulston’s. She did not take coupons so could not get slipper wool? 4 oz 1 coupon 4½ oz. However, Father took Mrs Jones, Cook’s Welsh friends, to the station on Tue. and got it. It is blue, very pretty, and she has nearly finished them. Had a short letter from Jock, Wed, saying he expected to be married that day, so sent him a Greetings Telegram. Virgin took it so hope he did not forget it. It was so rough to send Jean out, tho’ Rene came. Mavis came too to fetch her cycle just before dark and brought the paper. She found it too rough to take cycle. I was sorry she had come, we don’t expect them to bring papers. Did not get any rug done yesterday as I had to put a hook and eye on Fa’s collar (tunic) and he got his gloves so wet they would not be dry for to-day, so he thought he would have mittens made into gloves. It was a longer job than I thought but found a pair of Ron’s wool ones for him to wear today.
Hope the weather improves, I haven’t got my groceries from Stow’s yet. My throat is dry and tickly. It would be, as we have no sweet coupons until next week, having been rash at Xmas. Also I made a mistake in the weeks and thought this was the commencement of 7th period and it isn’t until next week. Am alright except for tea, it will be “tea begrudged and water bewitched” I’m afraid until Monday. Made too many cups at Xmas I’m afraid. Infantry in R.As [Royal Artillery’s] billets and in two of Ashley’s houses. They do not cook here or have meals so we don’t see much of them. Our pig is missing the R.As most, especially as we can’t seem to get pig pot[atoe]s either. Heard the sound of bombs yes[terday] afternoon. Father went on watch for Joe Kirk 6 to 8 pm. and found they were at Mablethorpe, no particulars, but one on beach sent shrapnel thro’ Watch bx. Others were dropped down Vic[toria] Road. Later on radio said bombs were dropped on East Coast and damage and casualties resulted with some people killed and afterwards a place in E[ast] Ang[lia] was bombed too.
Will did catch the bus – to Mastin’s Corner, Ingoldmells, near the ‘Royal Arthur’, almost in Skegness. (Jean’s diary: 7 January 1943.)
Mary Plant, Jean’s friend lived at ‘Waysmeet’ with her aunt Mrs Dandison (see 4 Jan. 1942).
The three ‘old women’ were Mavis Simpson, Mary Plant and Jean.
The note on slipper wool probably meant that, whilst May intended to buy 4 ounces, 1 coupon was required per 4½ ounces of wool.
Jones, soldier, and his wife were friends of Army cook Jock Brown. Their daughter was also a taxi passenger on that occasion (Jean’s diary: 5 January 1943).
Frank Virgin was the postman (see 16 Dec. 1940).
Victoria Road was in Mablethorpe.
Have you read an introduction to May Hill & family (includes photographs) and explored ‘The Casualties Were Small’?
I spoke to an 82 years old lady during research into a Mablethorpe business, and her father owned Soars Photographic shop in Victoria Road which was destroyed in the raid on Mablethorpe on Jan 7th. The family later reopened their shop across the road at 27 Victoria Road after the War.
Simon Robinson, Sheffield
Thank you Simon for adding this experience. It is always good to hear from people who can identify with events that are mentioned in the Diaries.