April 11 GOOD FRIDAY 9 pm [1941]

A cold damp day with a thin mist and occasional cold shower. A great change after yesterday’s lovely Spring sunshine. Rene came home for a few minutes and had a cup of tea and piece of bun. She had 8 teeth out on Tuesday and her face has been very swollen. Is much better today. Shall be pleased when she has had all of them out. I went to Sk. with her and we saw where the Roman Bank road had been bombed on Monday. No-one was hurt except very minor cuts and bruises. Business was going on as usual and as we did not go in by that road I did not know about it until we were in the bus’ ready for home.

Ron sent me a little cross for a pendant and bought me a R.A.F. badge. Blue enamel and silver mounted on mother of pearl. Very nice indeed. He was home for a few hours on Wednesday but went back in time to catch the 5.30 train to G[rims]by. It is not always safe to risk the 8.20 in case the London train is late. He is looking very fit and a little fatter I think. He brought his washing home again. I did it yesterday. I cleaned the top part of the kitchen cupboard too and then as there were so many planes and explosions we did not go to bed until 12 (Jean and I). Father was on watch. So I feel very tired tonight. Have had no planes so far tonight and as there is no wind it is very quiet.

I made some hot cross buns, sent Jessie and grandma one. Rene took two and I buttered or rather marged 6 and cut them in halves and Father took them to the R.A. at Red Tiles. They returned the plate with “Thanks from the boys, they were very nice.” Made them from my old “Home Chat” recipe which I have had since the last war, but had no currants so put sultanas in instead. Eva came last night for recipe for Mrs. D[andison] as she had lost it. Raymond came too, he has been on 7 days leave. He expects to go to Ireland via Scotland not the Scottish Highlands. Gordon must have got it mixed. He is blond with a ginger moustache. Like the rest of the boys he can talk. Poor boys, I should think they can’t get anyone to listen while they are away and naturally we are interested so they talk and talk. He was at Boston the day Ron was home so missed him. It is nice to see them all. The Colonel’s daughter was not badly hurt.

I must get Jean to fasten “Corbie” gate to-morrow. I hate to hear it bang, bang banging in the wind. 8 bombs fell at Huttoft Bank about 4.20 am Thursday, no casualties, several fell in the sea. Father was on watch, he says they saw the 8 flashes before they heard the first bomb. I sent Aunt Jet, the Russells and Ron an Easter card yesterday, Father went to Gby yesterday.

We had beef pie on Wednesday as I did not want to give Ron stew, resurrected beef but good. Yesterday Jean and I had bacon, eggs, and fried potato. Today I opened a tin of beef stew with veg 1s 4½d, not bad but nothing special. Rene wasn’t here but there would have been enough for her tho’ the meat was not plentiful. I did brussels and potatoes to have with it. It is nothing like as good value as the “Casserole” beef steak at 1/9. Father killed a young tame black rabbit today so we shall have it tomorrow or Sun. My ration (mutton) this week is exactly 3/0, don’t know how it is going to last until next Saturday. Of course we have bacon but don’t want to use it too quickly and tinned stuff soon palls. Still we are not short of food so far.

It is 10 o’ clock and all is quiet so think I will put the kettle on for bottles and go to bed soon. Can hear the bugle 10 pm, think lights out is at 10.30.

Jessie Simpson, the wife of May’s brother, Frank (see 11 Dec. 1940), was meant here.
‘Red Tiles’ was the nearby house, used as a billet (at that time by Royal Artillery), on Anderby Road, past ‘Corbie’ towards ‘The Point’. (See Village map.)
Eva Harness (see 26 Dec. 1940) was meant here.
Mrs Dandison (widow of Fred who had been a farmer), who employed Eva Harness, was meant here. (See 6 Mar. 1941.) She was the leader of the Girls’ Life Brigade.
Gordon Hill, nephew, was a younger brother of Raymond (see 16 Dec. 1940).
The Russell family comprised Ron’s girlfriend Emmie and her parents Mr James (Jim) Russell and Mrs Emily Russell, in Yeadon near Leeds.
“Casserole” brand stewed steak, imported from Eire, was specifically mentioned in Parliament in May 1941, in relation to a planned Maximum Price Order for imported canned meats.

Have you read an introduction to May Hill & family (includes photographs) and explored ‘The Casualties Were Small’?

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