Mon Feb 3 [1941]

Jean just set off walking to catch the bus’ for school. It has been snowing but fair now. She put Ron’s old mac. over her own up to Auntie Jessie’s and her Pixie hood over her hat so with Wellingtons she will be alright. Her Wells. are only just big enough tho’ they were new in the storm last year. Our black Win. has come in and is washing herself by the fire. The wind howls in the E.L. wires. Wonder if Rene will get to-day, she did not come yesterday it was so cold and snowed gently most of the day. Mr A was at Chapel Jean said but not Rene. Jean and I wrote to Ron last night. Am reading a book by Phillip Gibbs “The Golden Years”. Very good so far. Started one of E.M. Dell’s “Silver Wedding” but not very interesting so far so have left it. E.L. dimmed and nearly went out then. Looked out about 7.15 and the soldiers next door had left their back door open and a broad beam of light shining out. They are very careless. Ron’s W.V.S parcel was never sent after all. They have just discovered there are 4 Hills instead of 3. Ray, Keith, Ron and Ken so Ron was the one who got missed. Still that is better than it getting lost. Miss Scarbro’ sent me a few apples for mincemeat. Mrs S not very well, she wants some sprats. She is a good age. I am going to make a piece of toast. Strange, when there is plenty of meat about you do not want it half as much as if there were not enough to go round. Jean had scraps.

‘Win’ (short for Winter) was the name given to the cat found apparently abandoned and the subject of May’s poem To Win which has been added to the poems collection on this site. It also appears in the book The Casualties Were Small.

Ethel M Dell was a prolific British author of popular romantic novels. “The Silver Wedding” was published by Hutchinson & Co, 1933. (See website:

Kenneth (Ken) Hill was the son of Will’s brother James (Jim). His widowed mother Grace Hill was living at ‘Bannerdale’, beyond Ship Bridge at that time. (See 16th Dec. 1940 for Raymond (Ray) and Keith.)

Miss Elsie Scarborough, and sister, Eva, lived with their mother Mrs Jinny Scarborough near the ‘Vine Hotel’ in the village centre.
