Monday November 10 9.45 am [1941]

A wet stormy day. Mr. A did not go to Sk[egness]. Rene came after dinner. We were in room with a good fire as kitchen refused to get warm.

Two convoys were sunk in Mediterranean Sea by us yesterday, a great victory for us but what a lot of lives must have been lost. Capt Agnew who led the attack has been created a Comm. of the Bath which if it were not too serious a matter would be exceedingly funny. Not a case of the punishment fitting the crime but the reward fitting the exploits. Will Japan join in the war? It looks very much like it. I had been hoping that if peace had come between the Finns and Russia that it would be the first bit of leaven that would gradually grow to leaven the whole warring world and ultimately lead to peace for all.

Captain William Gladstone Agnew, of HMS Aurora, led Force ‘K”s successful action against an Italian convoy, in the Mediterranean, 9th November 1941. Years later (having been knighted) he was promoted to Vice Admiral.

Having fought each other during the winter of 1939-1940 there had been an uneasy period of ‘peace’ between the Finns and Russians. However following the German offensive against Russia in June 1941 (Operation Barbarossa) the Russians had massively air-raided targets in Finland and the so-called Continuation War began.

Have you read an introduction to May Hill & family (includes photographs) and explored ‘The Casualties Were Small’?

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