Mon. June 21st 10.30 P.M. [1943]

It has been a lovely day tho’ with a fresh breeze. So far we have had no real scorching June days. We had thunder storms all last week with heavy rain and hail showers, the hailstones really like marbles. We have not had many letters from Ron written since war in N.A. finished, but had an Airgraph written 3rd June and 2 or three letters written in May. He does not write much and not very enthusiastically. I expect they are all feeling the reaction now and wondering what next? I expect they all feel they would like a leave at home, but that is not to be, only the badly disabled get sent home. We do not want him to come if he had to go again. It would be too upsetting I think but we would like to see him. He says he is well and near Tunis. Hope he meets someone he knows. J[ohn] Kirk is about there and several more we keep hearing of. Had an Air mail letter from Jock this week, he too is near and has been to Tunis.

Wonder if Ron saw Churchill and if he has seen the King this week. King has sunburned his arms and knees riding in an open car in short sleeves and shorts. He has been in Africa over a week now. We keep expecting to hear he is home again. A lot of people will be pleased when he is I expect. It is very generally thought the Gers. believed W.C[hurchill] was in the civil air-boat they brought down. Leslie Howard was lost from it, we saw him in “Pygmalion”.

Emmie came from Sat until Tues Whit weekend (June 12). She walked from W[illough]by. Stn. as she had taken the ticket before receiving my card saying car was in repair dock. It still is tied up with all the red tape about necessity and priority etc, when they know quite well only necessary cars are allowed petrol. It will be a big expense and in the meantime we have to throw work away. J. Denman been down to “Redcott” for week, alone. Today Mrs D sent £1 to Father and asked if he would get her [in car]? J. to get new or sec. hand range for B[rook]dene. Don’t know why £1 as he should have had £1.10. at Easter I think. Must make sure.

Wrote to Sybil and Vic and Emily last night. Miss Baker did not finish coatees for Rene and Jean. for Whit, she is very dilatory. Mrs P[imperton] made up the pink mat[erial] Rene gave me. It is very nice. She had not cut it out until the Sat morning and as she only sent it home Whit. Sun. dinner time. I wonder if she was working at it on Sun. It is well finished off but don’t think she is as particular about fit as Miss B. Miss B brought Jean’s coatee (I had done dress bottom) last thing this Sat. night. Rene’s is to come still. They want a little lively opposition.

Emmie on bicycle at ‘Lenton Lodge’

Emmie really got to ride cycle this time. She and Jean went to Chapel Sunday morning. Tom was preaching. They went to Rene’s to tea on Mon. tho’ it was very showery. Jean went to Sk[egness] on Tue to see her off. Rene and I cycled to W.I. jumble sale. Not enough people to buy all the things as it was a stormy afternoon. It was “Wings for Victory” the week before so perhaps everybody had invested their money. Target was £1,250. Total was £3,100 for Chapel. There was a very good Youth Concert, £60 invested that night. I got a cardigan suit at Jumble. Green coat and check green and white skirt. Wanted washing but not much worn at 5/0.

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