Wed Dec 11 9.30 am [1940]

Have finished “Account Rendered”. Am rather disappointed in it. Why do so many books begin so well and then peter off into weak improbabilities at the end.
Yesterday was a little milder in the morning but very damp. A bit of breeze got up later so the clothes got nearly dry. Rene washed hers but did not put them out. She washed a few hankies for the next door soldiers. They are not snowy now but are at least clean and decent. I am going to iron them and give them back. The cook is either a ‘foreigner’ or very grimy, we haven’t decided yet. He is a sullen looking fellow. [Aside: Later: Only grimy after all.]


Ron’s (and the others too) washing did not get sent to the laundry last week so they were having to wash their own, I expect that was why Rene asked these if she could do any. We pictured poor old Ron washing shirt and pants and drying them. I hope he gets them aired well, I doubt they would not get ironed and he doesn’t like the way the laundry gets them up, so he won’t be very pleased with rough dry ones I know. Rene probably won’t be here to-day as she is having the ends of her hair permed. Jean says Auntie Jess[ie] had hers done yesterday. Frank has not gone back yet, he was not well enough. Several letters received from boys who had received their parcels were read at the Fellowship yesterday. Bill Smith’s was a very nice letter, also John Kirk’s, but they were all very grateful letters. Rene and I went, it was nice to go again but the long walk tries me a good deal. The Vicar gave a very nice talk. He has some queer ways but I believe he is a very good man. His daughter is a bonny girl, she had a pair of cycling stockings on and weird boots like men’s. Evidently her knees were cold, she kept pulling her brief skirt down to meet her socks. In the tea interval she and Annie who is still a kid were kicking a matchbox over from so many paces off to warm themselves. Annie succeeded with her size 3 foot and I heard her telling Edith Bell she shouldn’t have such great feet. So we stand on no ceremony with each other tho’ we do not usually play at the meetings. There is a social on Friday week. Father is at the box 8 am to 2 pm for a week now with Andrews. We shall get his extra pay either next week or the week after, don’t quite know which as they are always behind hand with it.

Jean’s Aunt Jessie was the wife of May’s brother, Frank.
Bill Smith was the husband of one of Will’s nieces.
John Kirk, who was in the Army, was a brother of Phoebe.
Reverend Vernon Bell was the vicar of St Leonard’s Church (Church of England) in the village.
Edith was the daughter of Vernon Bell.
Annie, sister of Grace, was one of Will’s nieces.
Mr Andrews was the senior coastguard at that time, living in a coastguard house.

Have you read an introduction to May Hill & family (includes photographs) and explored ‘The Casualties Were Small’?

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