Mar 16 Mon. 8.15 P.M. [1942]

Father went to Sloothby this morning to look at car we had seen advertised, but as they wanted £40 for a 1933 model there was nothing doing. Think with the basic ration being altogether cut there may be several cars for sale as it will eliminate pleasure riding altogether, unless there is a supp. rat. too and then it will have to be accounted for. Our wireless is not able to be fitted up with the old part and it is not worth spending 50/0 or £3 over, so we are without for the present.

We have been very shocked by the sudden illness on Sat. of Doris Hall. She was taken to Louth Hos. Sat night with meningitis and died to-day. She was a very bonny girl and Jean’s first school-friend. She was not quite 14. Jean was very upset to-night when she heard. She asked after her as soon as she came in and was very distressed to hear she had passed away. We are very sorry indeed for her parents and brothers and sisters. Her father is in the Navy and not at home unless he has lately come.

[Aside: Tues. 17th. This is an error. I am pleased to hear Doris is a little better. It was a mistake over the phone!]

Have washed to-day and got dried. Rene did not come until after dinner as Mr A has another bad cold. Expect the mist which came as the sun rose would make it worse. It made me rather wheezy. Last night I went to Chapel with Jean but it is still blacked-out and all the ven[ts] were shut and stove lit, so I soon began to sweat and then to gently whistle so slipped out in the second hymn for fear I should be whistling a tune when they stopped singing. Stayed at’s until Jean left Chapel. She would make me a cup of tea tho’ I am sure I was better able than her. It seemed a long way home. Mrs Faulkner still looks ill and says she does not seem to gain strength very fast. She is very stooped. Jean has washed her hair tonight. Rene trimmed mine for me this afternoon. I am very tired either with walking yesterday or washing to-day, or both.

Had a letter from Ron Sat. (my birthday) he had to go on to Bin[brook] as the others had gone on his arrival at Waltham. Eva went back to Sleaford yesterday. It was mild yesterday and is very close indoors to-night. I have a root of primroses in bloom and snowdrops in the house, the first flowers we have gathered for weeks. Well, as this is the end of my book, I will end for tonight.

Mar. 16. 1942

Thro’ winter to the gate of spring

Pure snowdrops bloom, and birds begin to sing

Primroses, sweet yellow stars, shine on the earth

And buds swell slowly towards the trees rebirth.


Early this month I launched a little paper boat.

I wonder what will happen to it?


Doris Hall was a daughter of Albert Hall, a Navy chief petty officer, who lived on Skegness Road (see Village Map).
